Digital Marketing

10 Best Tips For Organic LinkedIn Marketing Strategy

November 1, 2022

Want more people to see what you're posting on LinkedIn? Want to increase your LinkedIn followers? Growth in LinkedIn is easy as long as you follow the right marketing strategy. Read further to find out. 

LinkedIn has become a go-to platform for almost all professionals. As per the 2020 data, around 690 million active users are on LinkedIn. The right LinkedIn marketing strategy can play an important role in the growth of your personal brand.

Why Is Linkedin Marketing Strategy Important? 

LinkedIn marketing strategy will allow you to network with people which will eventually increase the chances of sale. Customers often post their queries in groups which are answered by B2B professionals which can further allow them to generate leads. 

LinkedIn acts as an efficient medium for content distribution that can help brands establish themselves as industry-leaders. 

It is essential to optimize your profile as the first step towards the marketing strategy. The right strategy will play an important role in increasing visibility. 

How To Market On Linkedin? 

If you want to market yourself on LinkedIn, you need to focus on improving your profile and an active presence on LinkedIn can help you drive traffic in no time. 

Some of the prominent LinkedIn marketing tips to follow are:

1. Change the content of your profile

While you may not focus on it initially, you need to keep updating your profile. Optimizing your profile is the best LinkedIn marketing strategy you can follow. 

An optimized profile proves that the LinkedIn profile owner is genuine and experienced. Furthermore, your profile can also act as a portfolio for you. 

Although there are millions of people on LinkedIn, not many focus on revamping their profile. A poor profile will never help you get leads, no matter how experienced you are in your field. 

2. Publish Video Content Frequently

Irrespective of your niche, video content can certainly help you grow. It is advisable to start posting videos on tips and tricks related to your niche.  

Once you decide on sharing video content, you need to stick by it. Furthermore, you may schedule a particular time of the week when you will be posting the video. If you are sharing video content for your users, add value to it by making it informative. You might as well use stats and data to define your goals.  

3. Optimize using Keywords

Using keywords is a very strong LinkedIn marketing strategy to help your business stand out from the regular crowd. Potential leads can find you when you include the right keywords and keywords in your profile. 

One of the most common mistakes people make is keyword stuffing. While using keywords is helpful, too many of them reduces the credibility of your post. Similar to SEO, keyword stuffing in your LinkedIn profile will not help you do any good, and the keyword should be mentioned in your headline, and that should be enough. 

The About Section of LinkedIn should not only have your introduction but keywords too. It is necessary to use keywords related to your niche to increase your visibility on LinkedIn. 

4. Interact With Audiences

Audience interaction is extremely crucial to stay relevant and increase your reach on LinkedIn. Commenting on your connection’s network will allow you to be more relevant on the platform as more people get to know you. 

Apart from commenting on the network’s posts, it is also advisable to conduct different online polls. This allows you the opportunity to share your thoughts and gain new perspective with what others have to say about you. These help you reach your target audience.   

5. Use The Right Hashtags

Hashtags are a relatively new feature on LinkedIn and they can help you drive relevant traffic. Like any social media, hashtags in LinkedIn can help you connect with your audience, and it can also help interested audiences find you online.

Every post should have relevant hashtags added at the end to increase visibility. A maximum of four will suffice to increase the post’s reach.The use of hashtags ensures that your customers can easily find your content on the platform. 

6. Be A Part Of Industry Groups

There are numerous industry groups on LinkedIn that you can be a part of to attract organic reach such as interacting with the industry professionals

These industry groups are a source of relevant content. When you interact with leaders from the same industry, you will learn many things which helps  in building strong relationships that will help you grow further in the sector. 

7. Encourage Employee Advocacy

Leveraging the employee network can be extremely beneficial. When your customer follows you, they also want to know who the employees are. Asking your employees to share their experience within the organization will help to increase visibility and drive traffic. 

If the employees reshare the posts on your page, the visibility of the content increases. When you get support from your co-workers and employees, the chances of growth. 

8. Mention The Contributors

One most prominent LinkedIn marketing strategy is to create blogs and posts on LinkedIn that have quotes from leaders from the field. When you create a blog on a specific field, you might quote the leaders in the particular field. This will help to ensure that the post will reach the contributor network. 

When your contributor's network views the post, the engagement increases leading to the LinkedIn algorithm rewarding the performance of your post. The more the number of contributors, the higher the engagement in the post will be eventually leading to individuals finding your posts organically. 

9. Experiment With CTA And Content

No audience likes to see the same post over and over again, and they are always waiting for an informative but different type of content. The best LinkedIn marketing strategy is to mix different types of content to post. 

This will eventually help you understand which post drives the most views. Depending on the content that garners maximum engagement, you can optimize your profile. 

Apart from content, it would help if you also focused on CTA. A clear call to action always plays an important role in driving engagement. Experts recommend testing the CTA you will be adding to your content to understand its performance. 

10. Humanize The Efforts

No matter how big or small your business is, you need to be relatable if you want to stay relevant and ahead of your competitors. Many LinkedIn experts are able to generate leads and traffic, but they often feel to humanize themselves in the network. 

Humanizing means changing the approach of how a person sees your brand. While you promote your brand, it is also crucial that you specify the value and culture of your company. As a business owner, you should be discussing various events the company conducts, volunteer activities, and more. 

When you add a human touch to your brand, individuals feel more connected to it, as a result of which, the business drives traffic and engagement. 

Final Words

LinkedIn is one of the most powerful professional networks for businesses. It may not have gained popularity like Instagram and Facebook in the initial days, but almost everyone is active on LinkedIn in today's time. Most professionals are using LinkedIn as an effective B2B platform. 

LinkedIn is a social network for management, thought leaders and senior-level executives. Implementing the right LinkedIn marketing strategy can help you drive a huge audience. Businesses involved in the B2B sector should be a part of LinkedIn. The traffic generated through LinkedIn can bring about a higher conversion rate than any social media platform in the B2B domain. Optimizing your profile and putting in more efforts can help you generate leads and draw conversions in no time.

linkedin Marketing Strategy FAQs:

1. How is linkedin good for marketing?

One of the main reasons every B2B marketer uses LinkedIn is because it helps to drive more conversions. It is a professional platform to build relationships, expand your network, develop careers and more. Moreover, it is one of the best content marketing channels for B2; marketers.

2. How many times should I post in a day?

There is no time limit to how often you can post on LinkedIn in a day, but you should post at least once a day. If you want to gain organic reach and stay relevant to your audience, you should be posting at least once to five times a day. Regularly posting on LinkedIn can help boost the growth of your profile in no time.

3. Do hashtags work on linkedin?

Yes. Hashtags are an integral part of the LinkedIn marketing strategy. They can have different usages, but the main goal is to reach a wider audience. The hashtag helps you understand what the conversations will be like on a certain topic.


REIN Digital is a leading global marketing and advertising firm focused on providing the best services and partnership. Our journey began in 2015 in Gurgaon, and since then we have been believing in putting in every ounce of effort in order to bridge the gap between our client's present and hopeful future. 

Throughout these years, we have collaborated with businesses from India as well as other nationals including Australia & the USA.

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